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All European Under 17 Championship 2024 Match Information

All European Under-17 Championship 2024 Match Information

Stats, Goals, and More

All the vital information about the 2024 European Under-17 Championship is right here. Find match stats, goal scorers, predicted outcomes, and much more.

Spain U17 vs. Italy U17 Live Score

Get live score updates, head-to-head results, standings, and expert predictions for the match between Spain U17 and Italy U17.

Match Stats: Italy vs. Spain

Discover all the key match stats from the Italy vs. Spain European Under-17 Championship 2024 Group Stage match, including goals, assists, and possession.

UEFA U17 Championship Game Week 1

Keep up with all the latest action in the UEFA European Under-17 Championship. Follow Eurosport for live updates and in-depth analysis.

Spain U17 - May 18, 2023

View match details and statistics for Spain U17 in the 2024 European Under-17 Championship.
